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venezuela nuclear weapons

Venezuela Nuclear Weapons - With the United States developing a new generation of cruise missiles in response to alleged Russian arms control violations, a response from Moscow was inevitable.

But Russian missiles in Venezuela? Some Russian commentators call it revenge for the Trump administration's withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. The Pentagon has already tested a new land-based cruise missile with a range of 500 kilometers (311 miles), exceeding the limit of the INF Treaty.

Venezuela Nuclear Weapons

Venezuela Nuclear Weapons

Major General Vladimir Bogatirev said, “Russia has legitimate reasons to deploy its submarines and medium- and long-range missiles near the US border in response to the emergence of new weapons from the US after the withdrawal from the INF Treaty. reserve officer and president of the National Association of Reserve Officers, told the Russian newspaper Nezhavisimaya Gazeta.

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Bogatirev suggested that Russian warships with Kalibr cruise missiles could fly from Venezuela. Caliber is a family of naval cruise missiles, including the SS-N-30, a subsonic weapon equivalent to the US Tomahawk cruise missile. Delivered by surface ships and submarines, the SS-N-30 has an estimated range of up to 2,500 kilometers (1,550 miles). Like the Tomahawk, the Caliber is typically armed with conventional weapons for missions such as strikes against Syrian rebels. But this missile can be armed with nuclear warheads.

Russia recently signed a maritime port cruise agreement with Venezuela, whose troubled and impoverished government relies on Russian support. "Venezuela has excellent ports where Russian ships and submarines can regularly enter, replenish supplies and then carry out combat missions on the coast of North America," Bogatrev said. There is also a maritime agreement between Russia and Nicaragua.

Bogatyrev also pointed to the "Zirkon" hypersonic anti-ship missile, which has a speed of 6 to 9 Mach. "There may be a solution, including a recently tested US cruise missile to neutralize potential threats from a new US hypersonic weapon. Namely, the Zircon missile, which is capable of hitting ground targets. and hit the surface at a distance of more than a thousand kilometers [621 miles]”.

It is worth noting that a member of the defense committee of the Russian parliament is in favor of deploying missiles in Venezuela, despite the danger of the Cuban missile crisis. "Maybe there will be a Caribbean crisis 2, but the Caribbean crisis has chilled the Americans for a long time," said Alexander Sherin, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. "If such a system were deployed in Venezuela, the US would behave more precisely."

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Everyone knows that the Soviet Union removed its ballistic missiles from Cuba in 1962. And it is also known that the USA quietly agreed to remove Jupiter missiles from Turkey in return.

Oleg Shvedkov, a retired submarine captain who is the chairman of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Military Forces, said that Latin American bases make it easier for Russian submarines to be stationed near the United States. "The potential permanent presence of Russian warships off the coast of the US, equipped with medium-range and short-range missiles, will certainly be a headache for them."

If this sounds familiar, it should. Moscow deployed nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles in Cuba to deter the United States from invading the island and to retaliate against American missiles and bombers attacking the Soviet Union. Russian commentators assume that Venezuela can serve the same purpose.

Venezuela Nuclear Weapons

But in the end, Russia was forced to flex its muscles in the face of the threat of overwhelming power, especially given the inability of the Soviet Navy to counter American forces in Caribbean waters. Nor was Moscow prepared to risk a nuclear Armageddon on some remote island.

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This naturally raises the question of how the United States would respond to Russian nuclear-armed ships passing through Venezuela. More precisely, how dare the US administration not act forcefully against such a threat. Russia is now planning to deploy nuclear weapons in South America's Venezuela against the backdrop of heightened tensions with Ukraine. Pravda, the official publication of the Communist Party of Russia, said that Moscow could make a decision soon. Venezuela has a longstanding conflict with the United States. A few days ago, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro also spoke with Putin against the backdrop of tensions in Eastern Europe. In such a situation, if Russia deploys its nuclear, missile and military weapons in Venezuela, not only the US but also the UK may suffer. According to the report, Russia has already discussed with both countries the issue of deploying weapons to Venezuela and Cuba. Venezuela has already offered all kinds of help to Russia. Given the clear threat to Russia's national security and sovereignty in such a situation, it could decide within a week to deploy nuclear weapons in Venezuela and Cuba. Russia will first deploy nuclear-armed strategic bombers in these two countries. In the future, it is possible to consider placing missiles in these countries. A Russian nuclear bomber flew over Venezuela in 2018.

Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez on January 24. Meanwhile, on January 21, Putin spoke with the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. Both countries are fully ready to expand military cooperation with Russia. After the conversation, Maduro tweeted: "We discussed at the highest level issues related to current cooperation in various strategic areas. This relationship is strengthened by the unity of our people. He said that Putin expressed his support for the protection of sovereignty and development of this South American country.

It seems that the talks between NATO and Russia on February 12 and 14 did not yield any results. NATO officially refused to accept Russia's terms. NATO has already deployed several warships and warplanes to Eastern Europe a day ago. This is clearly considered a Russian blockade. At the same time, many European countries, including America, Britain, Turkey, and Sweden, have also delivered weapons to Ukraine. The USA is considering the deployment of thousands of its soldiers in Ukraine.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, who is negotiating with NATO and the United States in Geneva, said in an interview with RTVI that if tensions with the United States increase, the possibility of Russian military deployment in Cuba and Venezuela cannot be ruled out. It all depends on the activity of our American colleagues. According to him, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Republic, has warned that in case of provocation by Russia and military pressure on Russia, Russia can also take military and technological measures.

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